Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Hunting in Canada

For the last few months I have been heading into the Foothills of Western Alberta looking for Mule deer & Whitetail deer. The first few hunts were unsuccessful but we learnt heaps about the terrain and habits of the local deer population. After that it seemed we were finding deer everywhere, if only the little buggers would stay still. It was great seeing all sorts of animals and sign, from cougar prints and black bear scat, to wolves howling right behind us.
The day I got my whitetail buck was a crisp autumn morning with almost no breeze but a solid frost. The hunting party was: Glenn Puschner (my boss), Graham Wickens, and myself. We were in a small cutline where we had seen deer previously and just missed them again that morning. We were standing at an intersection between two other cutlines deviously planning an ambush for the little buggers when Graham calmly said to look behind us, when we did there was a little buck 200 yards away quietly grazing. I took a knee, rested my sights on the front brisket and let one rip!....I had my first Canadian deer!
The rest of the day was spent stalking up onto other deer with a few close calls but no luck.

Me stalking a cutline
My new cannon
Very happy hunter
The crew: Graham, Glenn, myself
Looking for more deer
Glenn on the lookout

We went back to the same spot 10 days later to find Graham his first deer, and we did! but this time it was -39.5 degrees with wind chill and lots of snow on the ground.

 Graham and his chubby bubby
Looking for another doe to cram in the back of Rangi
Braving the weather and cold wasn't easy